AZNOW Welcomes you!


The Arizona National Organization for Women (AZNOW) works to advance the equal status of women and girls in all aspects of their lives.

Join NOW


Fighting for Equality, Justice, and the ERA!

Be part of a dynamic, multi-issue, multi-strategy feminist movement dedicated to creating real change. Whether you're passionate about advocating for racial, social, and economic justice, fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights, reproductive freedom, or equal pay, or challenging systemic oppression in all its forms, there are many ways to get involved.

Our vision for the next four years is bold: grow our numbers, strengthen our collective voice, and continue to represent the issues that matter. Together, we can shape the future, one step at a time. Join us today and help build a fairer, more inclusive world!

Join us today and make your voice heard!

Six Core Values

NOW is Not a Single Issue

The National Organization for Women (NOW) is committed to advancing women's rights through a wide range of strategies, including legislative, educational, and political initiatives. As the coordinating chapter for local NOW chapters in Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff, AZNOW emphasizes that our efforts require the support of everyone, not just women. We believe in the strength of diversity and encourage people of all backgrounds to join us in this cause.

We invite you to engage with any of our local chapters, contribute in any capacity you prefer, or even explore starting a chapter in your area or at your school or business. By signing up for our mailing list, you’ll receive updates and information on how you can participate in upcoming events and initiatives.

To learn more about our activities or to sign up for our mailing list, please contact us here.

Get Involved

There Are Many Ways You Can Make a Difference

Attend Rallies

Attend Rallies

Visibly demonstrates your support and amplify the collective voice for change.

Donate Your TIme & Skills

Donate Your TIme & Skills

Communication | Fundraising | Event Planning | Social Media & Technology | Project Management and More...

Attend Press Conferences

Attend Press Conferences

Show support to your local legislators and other government officials.

Seek Out & Sign Ballot Initiatives

Seek Out & Sign Ballot Initiatives

Help put proposed laws or changes on the ballot.

2025’s Conference is Right Around the Corner

Below are Highlights from our 2024 Conference

Simon Rosenberg Special Message to AZ NOW

Dianne Post

Dianne Post our legislative representative has created a Linktree page where you can contact your representatives, create letters to the editors of various papers, and join an action team or phone bank. This is something that you can do NOW to make an impact on issues that affect you.

Chapter & Coalition News

Sun City West Valley

This is the local Sun City, North Phoenix chapter. Chapter Meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of the month, starting promptly at 1:00pm from October through June. No Chapter Meetings are held in July, August, and September.

You may contact them here:

Central Phoenix

The Central Phoenix, Inez Casiano chapter meets virtually every 4th Monday. You can contact them at:


Arizona National Organization for Women Political Action Committee (AZ NOW PAC) works to elect more uncompromising feminists to local office (state, city, county and school board elected positions). AZ NOW PAC’s grassroots organizing and early support for feminist candidates helps change the faces of those elected to office.
You can contact them here:
Candidates seeking local, state or federal office should visit our endorsement process page to find out more information.

Arizona National Organization for Woman Political Action Committee only endorses candidates who take uncompromising stands on:

  • Reproductive rights and justice
  • Economic justice
  • Ending violence against women
  • Racial justice
  • LGBTQIA+ rights
  • Constitutional equality

Legislative Meeting

Our legislative committee meets every month on the third Sunday of the month at 10 a.m via ZOOM. All are welcome to learn about AZ legislative activities. Use this link to join us. Legislative Committee Meeting Link

Contact AZNOW for for details and information on the activities of this committee.

ERA Task Force

The ERA Task Force AZ is a coalition of groups and individual volunteers working to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment in Arizona.

Working tirelessly as sentinels at the Capital building, attending events and rallies, and even having a lemonade stand, we are putting our best effort into bringing awareness of the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the forefront.

To join this valuable organization you can contact them here:

© 2021 Arizona National Organization for Women (AZNOW), PO Box 32336, Phoenix, 85064
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